
GeoWorlds Project, Distributed Scalable Systems Division
University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute


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Welcome to the GeoWorlds Project home page.
For a summary of the project, including illustrations of a number of
applications, CLICK HERE. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0.

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GeoWorlds integrates Geographical Information Systems and Digital Library technologies into a single system. It extends existing services, and implements new services, for finding and organizing information about sources of goods, services and information. This will support a strategic alliance of technology developers and transfer the resulting technology to multiple military partners designated by DARPA; the partners are concerned with applying the technology in disaster relief operations. The work will integrate, test, and evaluate a unique combination of Digital Library and Geographical Information System technology. The integration of these technologies is being overseen by USC/ISI in collaboration with multiple sources (including the USC/ISI DASHER Project, the University of Arizona, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Digital Library Initiative and NCSA, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of California at Santa Barbara). The resulting DASHER services will be tested in military environments using disaster relief scenarios developed jointly with organizations such as SPAWAR System Center

The demonstrations will show how GeoWorlds can assist in military disaster relief missions to help users assess the impact of a disaster, identify assets and partners that can help respond to the problem, and help organize the application of those assets. GeoWorlds will be an extension to digital library technology that provides functionality and demonstrates feasibility of a system that relates geographical information to a corpus of "other" information in documents. The function of the system is to help a user understand facts and events in relation to space and time. It allows users to take a set of documents, relate them to places and times relevant to their contents, and provide a visual environment for presenting and exploring those relationships.


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Last updated: February 05, 2002 .